When you have read my Ebook, you now know how to get your horse to load himself onto the trailer. In most cases, now you can close the butt bar (if you have a straight load trailer) and go for a nice drive. There are horses however who find the butt bar being closed a new or an even bigger challenge.
Here are some steps:
1. Your horse needs to be able to stand still for at least 10 seconds on the trailer with the butt bar open.
2. Pick up the butt bar and put it down again – just so your horse hears the noise and can show how he feels about it.
3. Whenever the horse wants to come out, of course you let him – you now know what to do to solve this. Basically you move the horse around and get him to load himself again.
4. Pick up the butt bar and rub him with it – where ever it is safe to touch him.
5. Now ask him out – Yes, I am serious. You want your horse to learn that going onto the trailer does not always mean being locked up and transported to an unknown place.
6. Move the horse around if needed and get him to load himself – when he’s standing still, pick up the bar, rub him with it and now, if the horse is still standing still, then close the bar.
7. Now wait patiently and rub the horse on his hindquarters. If he starts pushing on the butt bar, you can tap on his hindquarters with your hand or stick, to discourage the pushing back and to encourage taking a step forward.
8. When he does take a step forward, you can reward this by opening the butt bar and ASKING him to come out of the trailer. (asking him before he does it by himself prevents that they rush off. If they do rush off, just ask them to load again.)
9. Take the time to really practise this well. This way you will gain much trust and respect from your horse. And you will also gain a lot of time and save frustration with every next time you load your horse. Because you will be able to walk to the trailer, your horse will walk onto the trailer in front of you, stand and wait until you close the butt bar. Close the gait and you are ready to go.
What if the horse panics when the bar is closed
This can be very tricky. It may mean you need to repeat step 1 till 6 many times. You will need to open the butt bar before things get worse. Just recently I got injured from trailer loading for the first time after loading more than a 1000 horses. It was a situation like this where the horse panicked when the butt bar was closed for about one minute. Taking him out earlier and repeating the steps, would have been the best thing to do. For some reason I thought that he would be able to handle it, because I’ve helped many horses this way. This is where you learn not to make assumptions. I was waiting for the horse to settle down and then let him out. In stead, he reared up and got his front legs over the chest bar. Now he wanted to turn around, which is where he really could have hurt himself. Now I went next to him (it was a two horse straight load trailer) and prevented him from turning around. I did succeed in this, but with his last attempt my index finger got in between his nose and the wall. This is where he reared up again, got his front legs back on the ground and rushed out of the trailer. I had to rush to the hospital to get 11 stitches in my finger.
So when you have a horse that panics like this I suggest you seek professional help from a (Parelli) Natural Horsemanship trainer.
I will for sure devote a video on this subject and it will be a part of my Online Video Course Trailer Loading With Eddy Modde.
What about slant load trailers?
Of course you can use the same principles for slant load horse trailers. In my experience, horses feel less claustrophobic in a slant load. Because their are wider and horses prefer to be diagonal. Another benefit is that you can walk in and out the trailer by just turning around. Even though I recommend you also practice backing out, being able to turn around adds a lot of safety to slant load trailers. Yet another advantage of slant load!!!
More horse products here!
How To Trailerload Your Horse - Focus on the positive
Any method is what you make it to be … what you look for is what you see. Trailerloading is usually a challenge. We don’t want to force them, we want to give them a choice. There’s many ways to get a horse to go on a trailer. Many are not very friendly, some are just tricks.
To make it simple: cause that what you want your horse to do/learn easy and comfortable, cause that what you don’t want your horse to do uncomfortable. It’s like the game warmer-colder we played as kids. The reason it works with little kids is that they feel successful every time they hear the word ‘warmer’. Immediately they know they are going the wrong direction when they hear the word ‘colder’. It is also up to us to make the task not too complicated. You have to ask the horse questions that they are able to answer with ‘yes’. If the horse (and dogs, children) hears: no, no, no all the time or: colder, colder, freezing, they will soon get frustrated or even afraid.
So what are you focusing on? When you ride … do you focus where you want to go (and how) or are you constantly thinking: “don’t do this, no, don’t do that”. The difference is as subtle as seeing a glass as half full or half empty. It’s what you see in it. There’s no wrong answer. There’s a natural law: that what you focus on expands. What you give attention to will grow. So it’s up to you to make a method negative or positive.
The strength of my approach, like what Pat Parelli does with horses (and Ceasar Milan does with dogs) is that the horse has a choice and a chance to consciously learn and understand. You actually work with the mind, their psychology and natural ability to learn. What is really important is that the horse gets the chance to process what has happened in his mind. This is when you give them dwell or soak time. The coin has dropped when they lick there lips. If you miss these opportunities, chances are you won’t achieve anything with this method (Natural Horsemanship) and people around you will only see the negative stuff. I see this happening a lot. People think it’s in what they do with the horse that gives the result. It is actually a lot more in what you don’t do and when to not do anything at all that builds the success.
Focus on the positive. Notice the smallest changes and reward that. The biggest reward you can give them is to leave them alone. Give them time to think about it and allow the horse to learn. Don’t make him learn.
Learn how to trailerload your horse now.
Visit here on how to train your horse!
To make it simple: cause that what you want your horse to do/learn easy and comfortable, cause that what you don’t want your horse to do uncomfortable. It’s like the game warmer-colder we played as kids. The reason it works with little kids is that they feel successful every time they hear the word ‘warmer’. Immediately they know they are going the wrong direction when they hear the word ‘colder’. It is also up to us to make the task not too complicated. You have to ask the horse questions that they are able to answer with ‘yes’. If the horse (and dogs, children) hears: no, no, no all the time or: colder, colder, freezing, they will soon get frustrated or even afraid.
So what are you focusing on? When you ride … do you focus where you want to go (and how) or are you constantly thinking: “don’t do this, no, don’t do that”. The difference is as subtle as seeing a glass as half full or half empty. It’s what you see in it. There’s no wrong answer. There’s a natural law: that what you focus on expands. What you give attention to will grow. So it’s up to you to make a method negative or positive.
The strength of my approach, like what Pat Parelli does with horses (and Ceasar Milan does with dogs) is that the horse has a choice and a chance to consciously learn and understand. You actually work with the mind, their psychology and natural ability to learn. What is really important is that the horse gets the chance to process what has happened in his mind. This is when you give them dwell or soak time. The coin has dropped when they lick there lips. If you miss these opportunities, chances are you won’t achieve anything with this method (Natural Horsemanship) and people around you will only see the negative stuff. I see this happening a lot. People think it’s in what they do with the horse that gives the result. It is actually a lot more in what you don’t do and when to not do anything at all that builds the success.
Focus on the positive. Notice the smallest changes and reward that. The biggest reward you can give them is to leave them alone. Give them time to think about it and allow the horse to learn. Don’t make him learn.
Learn how to trailerload your horse now.
Visit here on how to train your horse!
The 3 Things You Must Do To Stop Your Cat Peeing On The Carpet
If you want to avoid having to spend hundreds of dollars on new bedding and carpeting due to your cat peeing outside the litter box, this article might just contain the answers you’re looking for.
I will discuss how medical issues, chemical attraction and psychological stress are the 3 most common factors in cases of inappropriate urination in cats. By learning about these 3 factors, you’ll be able to take steps to re-training your cat to use the litter box before any more damage is done.
The very first thing that you absolutely MUST do is bring your cat in to see your veterinarian. A cat that is having medical issues such as a urinary tract infection or kidney disease is most likely to try to send you a message by peeing on your bed or carpet.
Bring your cat in and ask for a full examination and be sure to tell your vet about your cat’s inappropriate urination. It’s only when you can get medical problems treated that you can move on to try to solve behavioral issues that your cat may be having.
Your next course of action should be getting rid of any bedding or carpeting that your cat has peed on. The smell of urine is a strong attraction to your cat to re-offend in the same areas. Even if you think you’ve eliminated all traces of cat pee, your cat can still likely smell it.
If it’s not possible to completely get rid of the urine-soaked material, you can try steam cleaning the area or using a commercial product like Nature’s Miracle to eradicate the smell AND the organic compounds left behind by the urine itself.
The third factor that you need to address is stress. If your cat is stressed in any way, beyond meowing at you – they’re likely to send a message with their bladder.
If you have more than one cat, make absolutely sure to have AT LEAST one litter box per cat and ideally one more than you have cats. They need their own space and being forced together is a sure recipe for inappropriate urination.
Taking the 3 elements into account when trying to stop your cat peeing on your bed will go a long way towards getting to the bottom of the problem. My wife and I learned our lesson the hard way with our cat who peed so often in one spot on our carpet that it ended up damaging the neighbor’s ceiling below us. Needless to say, it cost us an absolute fortune so we knew that we needed to take action.
A cat that pees outside the litter box is a frustrating problem and one that could prove fatal to your cat if you don’t know what to do. Do your homework and help your cat before it’s too late.
Stop your cat's inappropriate urination now.
Find out more cat products here!
I will discuss how medical issues, chemical attraction and psychological stress are the 3 most common factors in cases of inappropriate urination in cats. By learning about these 3 factors, you’ll be able to take steps to re-training your cat to use the litter box before any more damage is done.
The very first thing that you absolutely MUST do is bring your cat in to see your veterinarian. A cat that is having medical issues such as a urinary tract infection or kidney disease is most likely to try to send you a message by peeing on your bed or carpet.
Bring your cat in and ask for a full examination and be sure to tell your vet about your cat’s inappropriate urination. It’s only when you can get medical problems treated that you can move on to try to solve behavioral issues that your cat may be having.
Your next course of action should be getting rid of any bedding or carpeting that your cat has peed on. The smell of urine is a strong attraction to your cat to re-offend in the same areas. Even if you think you’ve eliminated all traces of cat pee, your cat can still likely smell it.
If it’s not possible to completely get rid of the urine-soaked material, you can try steam cleaning the area or using a commercial product like Nature’s Miracle to eradicate the smell AND the organic compounds left behind by the urine itself.
The third factor that you need to address is stress. If your cat is stressed in any way, beyond meowing at you – they’re likely to send a message with their bladder.
If you have more than one cat, make absolutely sure to have AT LEAST one litter box per cat and ideally one more than you have cats. They need their own space and being forced together is a sure recipe for inappropriate urination.
Taking the 3 elements into account when trying to stop your cat peeing on your bed will go a long way towards getting to the bottom of the problem. My wife and I learned our lesson the hard way with our cat who peed so often in one spot on our carpet that it ended up damaging the neighbor’s ceiling below us. Needless to say, it cost us an absolute fortune so we knew that we needed to take action.
A cat that pees outside the litter box is a frustrating problem and one that could prove fatal to your cat if you don’t know what to do. Do your homework and help your cat before it’s too late.
Stop your cat's inappropriate urination now.
Find out more cat products here!
Cat Urine Removal Tips
If there is one smell that is harder to get out than any other, it’s the smell of cat urine.
No matter how hard you try, it just seems like scrubbing it only makes matter worse.
Perhaps you’ve gone out and spent money on products like Natural Miracle and, no question, these products do a great job of cat urine removal. However, what if I were to tell you that there are free, homemade alternatives that can often be as effective as the commercial ones?
A very effective home recipe is as follows:
* Exactly 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide (3%)
* 1/4 cup baking soda
* A teaspoon of liquid soap
You can then thoroughly soak the offending area. Be sure to test the area first for color fastness as the hydrogen peroxide can cause some fabrics to lighten.
In order to identify the urine-soaked area as accurately as possible, it is advisable to use a black light. You can tape off the area with some painter’s tape so that when you turn the lights back on, you can easily see where you should be spraying.
Cat urine removal is a job nobody wants to have to do but with a recipe like the one above, you can thoroughly clean an area and be certain any remnants are gone.
Your next job is to identify why your cat is peeing outside the litterbox in the first place.
Luckily you’ve found this site where all the answers to this question can be found.
Visit here for more cat products!
No matter how hard you try, it just seems like scrubbing it only makes matter worse.
Perhaps you’ve gone out and spent money on products like Natural Miracle and, no question, these products do a great job of cat urine removal. However, what if I were to tell you that there are free, homemade alternatives that can often be as effective as the commercial ones?
A very effective home recipe is as follows:
* Exactly 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide (3%)
* 1/4 cup baking soda
* A teaspoon of liquid soap
You can then thoroughly soak the offending area. Be sure to test the area first for color fastness as the hydrogen peroxide can cause some fabrics to lighten.
In order to identify the urine-soaked area as accurately as possible, it is advisable to use a black light. You can tape off the area with some painter’s tape so that when you turn the lights back on, you can easily see where you should be spraying.
Cat urine removal is a job nobody wants to have to do but with a recipe like the one above, you can thoroughly clean an area and be certain any remnants are gone.
Your next job is to identify why your cat is peeing outside the litterbox in the first place.
Luckily you’ve found this site where all the answers to this question can be found.
Visit here for more cat products!
How To Look After Turtles And Terrapins
A turtle is a reptile that can swim and splits its time between the water and the land.
For this reason many people often mistake it for an amphibian but a reptile it is (remember Over the Hedge? They got it right!).
A terrapin is exactly the same thing as a turtle – just a different class – that lives in fresh or brackish water. Further, most turtles owned as pets are called ‘terrapins’ in the United Kingdom and called ‘turtles’ everywhere else.
Semantics aside, owning a turtle entails a fair amount of responsibility, as with any other pet. Hopefully the following tips will help you out a bit.
The Turtle Enclosure
This is probably one of the most important aspects of turtle care. You should attempt to create a habitat that closely resembles that of their natural living area so do your research on your turtle. Keep in mind the future growth of your turtle and plan its habitat accordingly.
If you feed and care for the turtle properly it can grow pretty large. When filling your tank with plants only use real ones that are edible as adult turtles are herbivores. As young turtles they are carnivorous and grow into the green side of life. You can keep your turtle outside as long as they have water to swim in and shade to escape the sun.
Lovin’ the Heat
Turtles and terrapins, like other reptiles, are cold-blooded and hence love to bask in the sun. For this reason it is important to either have their enclosure with some sunny spots or keep an ultraviolet (UV) light placed over their basking rock.
They also require the water to be warm keeping an ambient temperature of around 85 degrees but no lower than 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
For your turtle to live as naturally as possibly turn the lights off at night.
You want to simulate night and day as much as possible. Your turtle also needs unfiltered sunlight which means taking them outside. Turtles can’t digest milk products but require calcium to maintain their shells and to heal – sunlight helps them process food to do this.
Needing More than Feeding
Since these turtles are land and water dwellers most of the feeding will take place in the water because they lack the ability to swallow food. Keep a separate plastic bowl of food on land for them (this also helps with maintaining cleanliness).
The type of food they eat is also a factor in their health. Raw meat is enjoyed on occasion but should be limited to crayfish and the like. Other meat like turkey and chicken is too fatty and should be cooked first. A vitamin supplement can also be added to their food but you should never only feed them turtle pellets.
The majority of illnesses in turtles are from improper care and lack of natural light. If your turtle gets sick you should isolate the sick ones as a precaution. New turtles should also be under quarantine for at least 3 months and watched in case any symptoms arise.
Look out for fungus that is gray or white in spots, lumps or patches of flaking shell or skin. Tropical fish remedies for fungus can be used in the water. If fungus is growing on the shell you can paint the affected areas with water mixed with 5% iodine.
This should be done every day until the fungus goes way. Remember that a healthy tank equals a healthy turtle so clean the water and tank every few days and take your turtle outside for real sunlight.
For this reason many people often mistake it for an amphibian but a reptile it is (remember Over the Hedge? They got it right!).
A terrapin is exactly the same thing as a turtle – just a different class – that lives in fresh or brackish water. Further, most turtles owned as pets are called ‘terrapins’ in the United Kingdom and called ‘turtles’ everywhere else.
Semantics aside, owning a turtle entails a fair amount of responsibility, as with any other pet. Hopefully the following tips will help you out a bit.
The Turtle Enclosure
This is probably one of the most important aspects of turtle care. You should attempt to create a habitat that closely resembles that of their natural living area so do your research on your turtle. Keep in mind the future growth of your turtle and plan its habitat accordingly.
If you feed and care for the turtle properly it can grow pretty large. When filling your tank with plants only use real ones that are edible as adult turtles are herbivores. As young turtles they are carnivorous and grow into the green side of life. You can keep your turtle outside as long as they have water to swim in and shade to escape the sun.
Lovin’ the Heat
Turtles and terrapins, like other reptiles, are cold-blooded and hence love to bask in the sun. For this reason it is important to either have their enclosure with some sunny spots or keep an ultraviolet (UV) light placed over their basking rock.
They also require the water to be warm keeping an ambient temperature of around 85 degrees but no lower than 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
For your turtle to live as naturally as possibly turn the lights off at night.
You want to simulate night and day as much as possible. Your turtle also needs unfiltered sunlight which means taking them outside. Turtles can’t digest milk products but require calcium to maintain their shells and to heal – sunlight helps them process food to do this.
Needing More than Feeding
Since these turtles are land and water dwellers most of the feeding will take place in the water because they lack the ability to swallow food. Keep a separate plastic bowl of food on land for them (this also helps with maintaining cleanliness).
The type of food they eat is also a factor in their health. Raw meat is enjoyed on occasion but should be limited to crayfish and the like. Other meat like turkey and chicken is too fatty and should be cooked first. A vitamin supplement can also be added to their food but you should never only feed them turtle pellets.
Shell-shocked: Common Illnesses
Look out for fungus that is gray or white in spots, lumps or patches of flaking shell or skin. Tropical fish remedies for fungus can be used in the water. If fungus is growing on the shell you can paint the affected areas with water mixed with 5% iodine.
This should be done every day until the fungus goes way. Remember that a healthy tank equals a healthy turtle so clean the water and tank every few days and take your turtle outside for real sunlight.
Choosing The Right Turtle And Terrapin Food
Is a turtle the right pet for you? You’re thinking of getting a turtle but what, quite apart from other considerations, what to feed the little shell-shocker?
That depends on the type of turtle as well as its age. The majority of turtles are carnivores when they are babies and become omnivores as they grow to adults.
Some feed on plants while others, like the snapping turtle, will hunt small creatures to feed on. The diet of a turtle depends on the kind of turtle it is, the location it resides in and what food is actually available to it.
If you’ve recently bought a turtle then choosing the right turtle and terrapin food is important. The following tips will help keep it in good health:
Protein is very important to the diet of the turtle and there many sources that are safe for them to consume which include cooked fish, chicken and turkey in small quantities, hard boiled eggs, mealworms, wax worms, silkworms and earthworms.
Slugs and shrimp are also good for them to eat along with snails and crickets, but never give a turtle raw meat because of possible fat content in the meat which can become contaminated in the time that the turtle gets around to finally eating it.
As turtles grow they become omnivores so vegetables will have to be introduced into their diets. Leafy vegetables and some fruit are best for them including figs and grapes, carrot tops, dandelions, red clover, lettuce (red and green are fine but avoid iceberg as it can cause diarrhea), endive and other herbs.
Regular vegetables like beans, corns etc are also fine for their growth.
Interestingly, flowers are also a love of many turtles and they seem to enjoy roses the best along with lilies, pansies and tulips.
Other fruits liked by turtles include bananas at the top the list, kiwis, apples, mangoes, strawberries, cantaloupe, blackberries, grapes, tomatoes, blueberries and some citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit.
And then, inevitably, there are some foods that should never be given to a turtle. These include dairy products, which turtles simply cannot digest due to the lack of necessary stomach enzymes.
Feeding milk-based products to a turtle will make it very sick. Canned and processed foods are also on this list due to their salt content and use of preservatives.
Turtles like to eat foods found in their natural habitat but if you’ve bought one from the pet store you’ll have to read up a little more extensively to find exactly the right kind of food.
Many turtles occasionally eat poisonous plants found in their natural habitats in order to make themselves less favorable to their enemies but you probably don’t need to go that far.
Keep in mind that the eating habits of a turtle varies depending on the size, breed and natural habitat of the turtle. Babies are wholly carnivorous until they grow into adulthood when they become omnivores or even herbivores (depending on your turtles’ species).
Don’t give the turtle just food from the pet store – they like and thrive off of a variety of foods.
That depends on the type of turtle as well as its age. The majority of turtles are carnivores when they are babies and become omnivores as they grow to adults.
Some feed on plants while others, like the snapping turtle, will hunt small creatures to feed on. The diet of a turtle depends on the kind of turtle it is, the location it resides in and what food is actually available to it.
If you’ve recently bought a turtle then choosing the right turtle and terrapin food is important. The following tips will help keep it in good health:
Protein is very important to the diet of the turtle and there many sources that are safe for them to consume which include cooked fish, chicken and turkey in small quantities, hard boiled eggs, mealworms, wax worms, silkworms and earthworms.
Slugs and shrimp are also good for them to eat along with snails and crickets, but never give a turtle raw meat because of possible fat content in the meat which can become contaminated in the time that the turtle gets around to finally eating it.
As turtles grow they become omnivores so vegetables will have to be introduced into their diets. Leafy vegetables and some fruit are best for them including figs and grapes, carrot tops, dandelions, red clover, lettuce (red and green are fine but avoid iceberg as it can cause diarrhea), endive and other herbs.

Interestingly, flowers are also a love of many turtles and they seem to enjoy roses the best along with lilies, pansies and tulips.
Other fruits liked by turtles include bananas at the top the list, kiwis, apples, mangoes, strawberries, cantaloupe, blackberries, grapes, tomatoes, blueberries and some citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit.
And then, inevitably, there are some foods that should never be given to a turtle. These include dairy products, which turtles simply cannot digest due to the lack of necessary stomach enzymes.
Feeding milk-based products to a turtle will make it very sick. Canned and processed foods are also on this list due to their salt content and use of preservatives.
Turtles like to eat foods found in their natural habitat but if you’ve bought one from the pet store you’ll have to read up a little more extensively to find exactly the right kind of food.
Many turtles occasionally eat poisonous plants found in their natural habitats in order to make themselves less favorable to their enemies but you probably don’t need to go that far.
Keep in mind that the eating habits of a turtle varies depending on the size, breed and natural habitat of the turtle. Babies are wholly carnivorous until they grow into adulthood when they become omnivores or even herbivores (depending on your turtles’ species).
Don’t give the turtle just food from the pet store – they like and thrive off of a variety of foods.
Want to know more about the food you can feed your turtle?
Click here to get my full guide
Click here to get my full guide
Are Pet Turtles And Pet Terrapins The Right Pet For You?

On top of which you’ve got genuine health concerns, possible allergies and, of course, the care and feeding of the animal itself to think about.
And finally, if the pet is for a child the likelihood that the child will be able, and willing, to take on the responsibility of handling the animal and all the duties that go along with it needs to be accounted for.
Keeping the above in mind, many families tend to opt for a starter pet. They include such animals as rabbits, gerbils, guinea pigs, ferrets, mice and reptiles; animals considered low-cost and low-maintenance.
Which is not necessarily true of course but it is usually less of a handful than, say, a dog. And if you would like to start with a ‘starter,’ a great choice for you could very well be a turtle or terrapin.
Pet turtles and terrapins make the perfect pet
In fact, picking up a book about the chelonian critters should give you a great idea of what is out there in terms of a pet and how best to take care of it. Once you’ve got the fundamentals of turtle pet-care down it’s a breeze. For instance, there are four major categories of ‘turtle’ you should have a basic understanding of: turtle, sea turtles, terrapins and tortoises.
The turtle is your basic reptile-in-a-shell that you keep as a pet. It cannot live or breathe underwater but is amphibious and likes fresh water. This includes the red-eared slider and the painted turtle (both amphibious) as well as the box turtle (fully terrestrial).
It is also known as a terrapin in the United Kingdom where the word ‘turtle’ normally refers to the sea turtle which is not kept as a pet.
Sea turtles live in every ocean of the world except the Arctic and can easily grow to be, well, huge at two meters long!
Finally, tortoises are essentially the above mentioned terrestrial turtles but are simply called tortoises in the United Kingdom and Australia and box turtles in the United States.
There are terrapins (different to turtles) that live in brackish water but these are called ‘diamondback terrapins’ everywhere and are not in common usage when talking about pets.
Buy a turtle and make your life more complete
Going to the pet store to buy a turtle, and related paraphernalia, is the next step. Once you know what kind of turtle you want you will be able to buy the proper habitat for it as well. You wouldn’t want a tortoise in a turtle habitat because the poor thing would simply drown.
Next, feeding a turtle is the same as buying it a habitat: identification. Some turtles like to eat minnows and others are perfectly content with little pellet snacks, insects and so forth. Most turtles will also eat a great deal of greens which you can easily arrange for.
Finally, like any other animal you have to handle turtles with care. Despite their appearances turtles are quite fragile and they need their shells to live. They are not like hermit crabs that can find any shell that fits to live in if theirs is removed. For a turtle, the shell is attached, stays attached and grows with it.
Learn more about turtles and terrapins and get my guide today.
Find out more pets here!
Finding Good Chicken Shed Plans
Finding good chicken shed plans to follow as you set out to complete this process will be critically important for long term continued results. Many people overlook the value that chicken shed plans will provide them with in terms of guiding them through the entire process to ensure that they are getting the exact results they are looking for.
By making sure you’re looking through the plan and taking into account a variety of aspects of the building process you can guarantee the results you have with the building process.
Here is what you need to know about chicken coops.
Consider All Building Materials
The first thing you should be doing is making sure you think about the wide variety of building supplies that are available to you. If you are able to use used materials throughout the building process you’re going to dramatically cut down on the total costs of building the coop, boosting the results you are looking for.
Even if you don’t have any materials that you can use to build the chicken coop around you, ask around to your neighbours. They might have exactly what you’re looking for that would get the job done very effectively.
Spend Some Time Landscaping First
Second, be sure you spend some time landscaping the area you plan to build on. Most chicken shed plans will provide instructions on what to look for in terms of where you are to build, so put some thought into this.
You don’t want to build in an area that is too low in elevation as this could cause flooding problems. Additionally, it’s almost important that you’re building somewhere that will get a decent amount of sunlight since this is important to make sure that your chickens lay eggs regularly.
Whatever you do, don’t build in the shade.
Avoid Cramping The Chickens In
Space is also another very important consideration so be sure the chicken shed plans you use give you a specific idea of your building dimension. There is so much space that each and every chicken that you keep will need to feel comfortable and if this space is not given they are not going to be laying eggs as desired.
As soon as you determine how many chickens you plan to keep, the next step is going to be figuring out the dimensions of your chicken coop.
Spend Some Time Building A Durable Fence
Finally, also be sure that you’re spending some time building a fence that will be able to stand the test of time. This will be vital so that you don’t run into a nasty encounter with one of the predatory animals that hunt chickens and that can easily wipe out the entire coop with little to no effort.
Be sure you’re building this fence both tall enough and deep enough into the ground, as these are the main points that will keep the animals out.
So be sure you look for chicken shed plans that take into account all of these factors. Getting it right the first time will save you a great deal of time and frustration down the road.
Click here for more chicken products!
By making sure you’re looking through the plan and taking into account a variety of aspects of the building process you can guarantee the results you have with the building process.
Here is what you need to know about chicken coops.
Consider All Building Materials
The first thing you should be doing is making sure you think about the wide variety of building supplies that are available to you. If you are able to use used materials throughout the building process you’re going to dramatically cut down on the total costs of building the coop, boosting the results you are looking for.
Even if you don’t have any materials that you can use to build the chicken coop around you, ask around to your neighbours. They might have exactly what you’re looking for that would get the job done very effectively.
Spend Some Time Landscaping First
Second, be sure you spend some time landscaping the area you plan to build on. Most chicken shed plans will provide instructions on what to look for in terms of where you are to build, so put some thought into this.
You don’t want to build in an area that is too low in elevation as this could cause flooding problems. Additionally, it’s almost important that you’re building somewhere that will get a decent amount of sunlight since this is important to make sure that your chickens lay eggs regularly.
Whatever you do, don’t build in the shade.
Avoid Cramping The Chickens In
Space is also another very important consideration so be sure the chicken shed plans you use give you a specific idea of your building dimension. There is so much space that each and every chicken that you keep will need to feel comfortable and if this space is not given they are not going to be laying eggs as desired.
As soon as you determine how many chickens you plan to keep, the next step is going to be figuring out the dimensions of your chicken coop.
Spend Some Time Building A Durable Fence
Finally, also be sure that you’re spending some time building a fence that will be able to stand the test of time. This will be vital so that you don’t run into a nasty encounter with one of the predatory animals that hunt chickens and that can easily wipe out the entire coop with little to no effort.
Be sure you’re building this fence both tall enough and deep enough into the ground, as these are the main points that will keep the animals out.
So be sure you look for chicken shed plans that take into account all of these factors. Getting it right the first time will save you a great deal of time and frustration down the road.
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Build a Chicken House Quickly With These Techniques
Do you think that it’s going to take weeks to build a chicken house? If so, you may want to think again. With the right techniques and tips you can easily accomplish this goal in as little as a few short days and have great success while doing so.
Here is what you need to know in order to build a chicken house properly.
The first thing you must do as you build a chicken house is take the time to plan the entire coop before you build. Many people make the mistake of building too early and then find out they have built too small because of all the additional pieces that have to go inside.
Remember that the measurements that you get in terms of total free space are just that – free space. If you start adding the feeders, the waterers, the perches, and so on, this will take away from the total amount of free space you have, making your chickens feel more crowded.
To solve this problem, draw a blueprint out first and then proceed to build a chicken house according to that design.
Next, you also need to make sure that you’re giving your chickens enough total light. This is accomplished by being sure you add enough windows throughout the coop which will serve to allow the sun to shin in.
Just be sure with these windows that you are not placing them too low or the sun may shine directly at the chickens, which can make them feel uncomfortable. Locate the main direction the sun typically hits your chicken coop and be sure to focus your windows on that side of the house.
Finally, as noted in the first point, size is one of the biggest things you must take into consider as you build a chicken house. If you aren’t sure how many chickens you plan to keep, it’s a smart move to build slightly larger than you think you’ll need, then if you do decide to add one or two more, you will have enough room.
The worst situation is when a chicken farmer builds the perfect size coop but then finds out he needs more chickens. Then you have to tare down the coop and rebuild parts of it or else add an extension onto the coop that’s in place.
So be sure you’re following these three tips as you build a chicken house. The process may seem quite intricate but by using a building plan that breaks it down into manageable steps, it really becomes something that you can easily handle over the course of a weekend.
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Here is what you need to know in order to build a chicken house properly.
Plan The Entire Inside Before Building
The first thing you must do as you build a chicken house is take the time to plan the entire coop before you build. Many people make the mistake of building too early and then find out they have built too small because of all the additional pieces that have to go inside.
Remember that the measurements that you get in terms of total free space are just that – free space. If you start adding the feeders, the waterers, the perches, and so on, this will take away from the total amount of free space you have, making your chickens feel more crowded.
To solve this problem, draw a blueprint out first and then proceed to build a chicken house according to that design.
Make Sure You Give Your Chickens Enough Light
Next, you also need to make sure that you’re giving your chickens enough total light. This is accomplished by being sure you add enough windows throughout the coop which will serve to allow the sun to shin in.
Just be sure with these windows that you are not placing them too low or the sun may shine directly at the chickens, which can make them feel uncomfortable. Locate the main direction the sun typically hits your chicken coop and be sure to focus your windows on that side of the house.
Never Build Smaller Than You Think You’d Need
Finally, as noted in the first point, size is one of the biggest things you must take into consider as you build a chicken house. If you aren’t sure how many chickens you plan to keep, it’s a smart move to build slightly larger than you think you’ll need, then if you do decide to add one or two more, you will have enough room.
The worst situation is when a chicken farmer builds the perfect size coop but then finds out he needs more chickens. Then you have to tare down the coop and rebuild parts of it or else add an extension onto the coop that’s in place.
So be sure you’re following these three tips as you build a chicken house. The process may seem quite intricate but by using a building plan that breaks it down into manageable steps, it really becomes something that you can easily handle over the course of a weekend.
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Discover How To Build A Chicken Coop Easily
Find Out How To Easily Build
An Attractive And Affordable
Backyard Chicken Coop...
An Attractive And Affordable
Backyard Chicken Coop...
Building your own backyard chicken coop will provide you with daily fresh organic eggs for the kitchen. It will recycle your families food scraps and produce high quality fertilizer for your garden. Best of all, your family will be proud of the coop that you created with you own two hands.
It just makes perfect economic sense to build a chicken coop yourself instead of buying an expensive pre-built chicken coops. Pre-built coops have to be assembled anyway, you're really just paying hugely inflated prices for the material.
I understand that building a chicken coop can seem like a hard project. Working out dimensions, materials, insulation, ventilation, lighting, positioning, nesting, perches, waste collection and protection from the elements and other predators can seem complicated.
Luckily for you, using my many years of experience in the poultry industry, I've created an easy to follow guide to building your own backyard chicken coop. It's designed it for the total beginner, you don't require any carpentry skills. It doesn't matter if you want a big coop or a small coop, or if have a big or a little budget.
Introducing "Building A Chicken Coop"...
No special tools required - I designed these plans specifically for the total total beginner. You wont require anything but the most simple of tools
Easy To Build Plans - Includes color step-by-step plans with scale diagrams and dimensions that even a child could follow
Save Money - On average our users save about 50% over buying their own coop. That adds up to hundreds (sometime thousands) of dollars
Print As Needed - My downloadable format allows you to print of as many copies as you need in case your lose or dirty a copy, or if you require multiple copies for those helping you.
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